When I first arrived befor it rained i had mentioned how dry the landscape had been on my journey down and Pablo replied that it didn´t worry them as they didn´t drink water any way. Its true; coffee and beer at different times of day seems to do the trick.
So what did i do with my time in Seviila? Well i stayed with Jorge, who some of you may rememeber from Brighton capoeira 5 years back and Marta his lovely girl friend. They were fantastic hosts and so kind to let me stay for so long. They are still on the Capoeira tip and we had some fun leaping about with the group here. I even gave a class for the crew and did i lot of 'cup-oeira' together on the streets.
I also did get to check out a bunch of flamenco shows, both in the traditional Penas and some late night sessions.
They seem to have a fairly standard form with one ridculously skilled guitarist, a couple of passionate singers and a dancer caught in the throwes of exctatic creativity expressing their very souls to the world. The best performances also had half a dozen ´palmieros´ who clapped mental poly-rhythms that worked together with the foot stamps of the dancers to drive the whole show. Sometimes at the end other people would get up and sing and dance aswell and there is strong energy of a culture very much alive and kicking. There are obviously lots gigs for tourists going on but this is a living culture that the people here love and are very proud of. And long may it be so. And check it out, here it is going on at a zebra crossing!
I´ve been completely blown away with some serious musicianship of the guitarists and took a few classes that twisted my little neurons into knots and left me with plenty of home work to do. It feels like starting all over again, but you gotta challenge yourself sometime hey!
And talking of challenge myself I had a great day at the beach remembering how i was never very good at surfing. Jorge and i got quiet excited about the fact that my funky little go-pro video camera was also water proof and great for filming water sports so we strapped it onto the front of the surf board and tried it out in the shollows just to be safe. However the first little wave knocked it right off the end of the board and into the murky waters. It sank and disappeared, never to be seen again. Ohps! Thankfully the lovely Visions movie crew are sending me another one so i can carry on making my road movie when it arrives....
Oh yeah, i did want to mention one thing about travelling by bike. You do get to see every inch of the landscape and its not allways pretty. Having enjoyed the city life of central Sevilla for a while I was struck by how the land was such a mess for a good 20km travelling away from town. I felt quiet sickened by the carnage that urban life creates but we tend to be blissfully unaware while enjoying it's bright lights. I know i´m quiet an idealist but i have found my self imagining how beautiful many of the landscapes i have cycled through must have been even just 50 years ago befor our modern world mashed it up so badly. Endless monoculture farming or the overspill from growing cities.
Any way ever onwards and south wards i go......
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